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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Faculties and Subjects

Faculties, Subjects and Courses

The school curriculum is divided up into groups known as Faculties.

Our Faculties are responsible for teaching and learning across all the subjects in the curriculum. Some faculties contain just one subject whilst others cover a range of subjects.

Curriculum Guides (Programmes of Study) are available for each subject taught at John Hanson Community School. Clicking on a link will take you to a document outlining what is taught, when, an overview of assessment, some useful resources/links and contact details for relevant members of staff.

Curriculum guides for each subject can be accessed here


Please follow the links below to tour the school and see an overview of the range of subjects and courses on offer.

Plus Programme

Art and Photography

Computing and Business

Performing Arts




Modern Foreign Language

PSHE (including RSHE) /Citizenship/ Careers


Physical Education
