Financial and Funding
Key school information can be found at:
Our school has one employee with a salary in excess of £100,000.
Charging, Refunds and Remissions
The school charges for certain items/activities. Where these fall outside, or mostly outside, school time, a full charge is made. If such an activity takes place in school time, or is mostly in school time, excluding music tuition, then any payment by the parent is voluntary, except for food and accommodation on residential visits. This being said, it must be explained that as we try to keep costs to a minimum, if any parents refuse to make the expected voluntary contribution, then the activity will almost certainly not be able to run. An admin charge of 2% may be levied on cancellations.
If an activity is essential as part of an officially approved examination syllabus such as GCSE, or as part of the National Curriculum, then payment is also voluntary whether it takes place during school time or not. Without voluntary contributions it may not be possible to run the present range of activities, but we do recognise, that for some parents, any payment is a problem, and support might be essential. For both a school time voluntary activity, and an essential activity, if a family is eligible for Free School Meals they write to the Headteacher’s PA for information and advice.
The following may also be charged:
• Loss or damage to school books and equipment
. Damage to school property
• Items produced in Technology or Art
• Failure to attend an exam or complete the required coursework
• Resitting of an exam
• Exam remark
Charging for Instrumental Tuition
We aim to provide as wide a range of instrumental tuition as possible, the following areas of study are available: Brass, Clarinet, Flute, Guitar, keyboard, Percussion, Saxophone, Singing, Violin. Please note that charges are reviewed annually.
Charging for Printing
The school allocates every student a printing allowance which should be sufficient for the courses they follow. If a student runs out of print credit additional credit can be purchased.
Refunds for Trips
Once a deposit has been made for a trip, it becomes non-refundable, and also may attract a
10% admin fee. If a trip is undersubscribed the trip will be cancelled and the deposit returned.
Pre-paid Dinner Money
Dinner money in excess of £2 will be refunded onto parent’s bank account. Balances of less than £2 are refunded in cash where possible.
Pupil Premium
• 14% (per annum) of pupil premium allowance (Free School Meals and Ever 6) is allocated for the for trips.
• 1.5% (per annum) for educational supplies
Free School Meals
These are provided for eligible students via the cashless catering system, the amount is set by Hampshire County Council. In addition, the school currently has a local initiative providing a £1 spend breakfast for all students eligible for Free School Meals. This initiative cannot by guaranteed in the long-term as is dependent on funding.