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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

including Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) link


OFSTED 2024: “very well designed personal development and career programme” which is both “ambitious and inclusive. They ensure that all pupils are very well prepared for their next steps. They learn how to keep safe and healthy…”

The PSHE provision is character building and is delivered through a spiral curriculum which combines six carefully designed and co-ordinated off-timetable days with the tutor time programme, which covers assembly and reading.  The personal development of our students is also supported through smaller focused groups; extra-curricular opportunities; the pastoral support team, which includes Heads of Year, tutors, our Inclusion Manager, Well-being officers, FLEX and Engage.




The exceptional PSHE days cover all areas of personal, social, health and economic education. This also encompasses careers, RSHE, Citizenship, the fundamental British Values and the nine protected characteristics. The school works with a variety of outside agencies to ensure the sessions have the accuracy and gravitas required to engage the students and help them understand life in the real world.  On these days, our students are fascinated by learning about themselves, others and the world around them.

We carry out extensive student voice activities after each of our off-timetable days to ensure the sessions are relevant and pitched well. 


We also run a ’Kindness Club' at lunch time; these students work with staff to ensure our curriculum is appropriate for our students, in our setting.

Over recent years we have developed our PSHE curriculum to encompass local and national initiatives and ensure that we develop the young people who attend our school into well-rounded citizens who understand the world around them, and are prepared for life beyond school.


For each year group visitors may include:

  • Stacey Miller who runs workshops on a variety of topics such as Mental health, Food and Mood, Dealing with Stress, Benefits and Gratitude, Drugs awareness and the Impact of Substance misuse, Sex and Alcohol.
  • Local Colleges such as Andover & Sparsholt College, BCOT, Peter Symonds and QMC.
  • Year group specific visitors include:
    • o Year 7 –Hampshire Fire Service, Amnesty International, 
    • o Year 8–Hampshire Road Safety, Simon Says – a bereavement charity, Andover Mind, Stand Against Violence, Hampshire Road safety
    • o Year 9- STEM ambassadors and local businesses, the School Nurse, , the Southern Universities Network, Wise Up
    • o Year 10–The Teenage Cancer Trust, Alcoholics Anonymous, Stand Against Violence, Winchester university, St Giles Trust, EBP or Unifrog
    • o Year 11– Local businesses and post 16 providers for the careers fair, Lloyds banking group, Amazing apprenticeships, NCS, the NHS, the Army, a local fitness and Pilates instructor