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John Hanson Community

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Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

OFSTED 2024: students learn “how to navigate increasingly complex relationships, including online. They explore diversity and are proud that their school is very accepting of difference.”

Our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) team: Mrs Grinstead, Mrs Curtis and Mrs Ferris.

SLT link: Mrs Kim Hide

Term 1                  Term 2                 Term 3                Term 4                Term 5                Term 6


Diversity,  Equality and Inclusion statement:

At John Hanson Community School: We are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all students and staff, and to providing a working environment free from discrimination, prejudice and harassment. 

We encourage respect and consideration for others, and recognise and value the school as a safe place for learning. The staff at John Hanson recognise that inequalities exist in all levels of society and believe, that as educators, we have a crucial role to play in eliminating all forms of discrimination, in particular against anyone with any of the protected characteristic. We promote equality by dealing with bullying and incidents of discrimination immediately and by educating the young people in our care through assemblies, tutor time, PSHE day sessions and group work where appropriate.

This will be achieved through the following objectives:

  1. To train staff on how to respond effectively to prejudice-related discriminatory behaviour.

We aim to accomplish this by offering regular training to both staff and students on how to report and deal with incidents.

  1. To ensure that every student achieves their potential irrespective of if they have any protected characteristics.

We aim to accomplish this through the consistent application of our established procedures for monitoring and mentoring students, by continually assessing progress through our Report process and through Strategy plus meetings

  1. To ensure all staff and students are treated equitably regardless of protected characteristics.

We aim to do this through clear multichannel communication of the schools’ high standards and expectations.

  1. To reduce the attainment and progress gaps between protected groups, disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged student groups.

We aim to do this through the consistent application of our Principles of Instruction, monitoring of attainment and progress, and through targeted interventions.

  1. To offer equality of opportunity to appropriate and focused intervention to support students through each stage of their secondary education, such that every student can perform to the best of their ability.

We aim to do this through consistent and timely assessment of student attainment and progress.


Diversity,  Equality and Inclusion  policy with Statement and Objectives, and Accessibility Plan