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John Hanson Community

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Tutor Time

Over three days of the week, the Pastoral Team plan and deliver a comprehensive programme of activities in tutor time.

We cover Reading (including Cultural Capital and our Habits for Learning) to further develop our students into well-rounded individuals better prepared for the world when they leave us at the end of Year 11.

Tutor Time – Reading Programme

PISA (2015) showed that approximately 18% of children in England leave secondary education without baseline proficiency in Reading. That means that almost 1 in 5 children leave school without the minimum level of Literacy to enable them to participate effectively and productively in life.

The positive impact of being a good reader is well known. Not only does it impact attainment but also mental health, employment, empowerment and much more. Reading for pleasure was found to have a positive impact.

Students in years 7-10 will participate in our new reading tutor programme. Over the course of the week students will have 3 reading opportunities, 2 sessions reading a class reader and 1 session reading cultural capital (age appropriate) articles. Tutor reading enables John Hanson to foster a reading culture within, and beyond our school gates. Tutor reading nurtures pupils’ motivation to read with purpose and for pleasure.


During term 4 & 5 students will use one of the reading sessions to complete a bespoke revision program to help prepare the for their end of year exams.


The other two days will be used for whole year group assemblies and administration.