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Habits for Learning

The ‘Habits for Learning’ have been implemented to encourage student engagement in their own learning. Each links to the attitude for learning grades which are given to students when we send reports home during the year, and students are rewarded for demonstrating the six skills at every opportunity, by receiving additional stamps in their planners.


What does an outstanding learning look like at John Hanson?

Challenge – self-motivated to excel, master skills and become an expert 

Curiosity – asks questions and seek answers; shows a passion for knowledge

Collaborative – takes a lead role in pair and group work

Reflective – always showing care and precision to improve their own work

Independent – highly motivated to complete tasks to a high standard without support

Gets Unstuck – perseveres, learns from mistakes to find solutions and uses models/knowledge from other subjects to succeed


Habits for learning posters


Each faulty has subject specific habits for learning posters in their classrooms so that students can refer to them if they need to.