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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Trips and Visits

Trips and Visits at John Hanson

Trips at school will become the life-long memories for our students.  They are an essential part of our ethos at John Hanson.  Trips, both day trips and residential course provide the essential life skills and the cultural capital to ensure students have the opportunity to experience a broad and balanced curriculum. 

John Hanson provide multiple opportunities for every year group to attend day trips (to deepen passion for a particular subject or for team building etc) such as Wembley/tree planting/visit to local farms/STEM science trips, or much longer residential trips – many of which are to international locations.   

The school appreciates that you will not be able to send your son/daughter on all our trips but have provided an overview of the trips that are usually run for each year group and how much they cost in order to you to plan ahead.  If your child qualifies for Pupil Premium funding please do contact the school to see how we can help with support towards the cost.  

Below is an overview of the main trips run in each year group.   The list is not exhaustive because we run a number of additional sport and subject day trips every year.  


Year 7



Team Building


16th/17th Sep-2024

Osmington Bay


11-14th Jul-2025

Rewards Trip


Chessington- July

Year 8





Spring 2025 

Reward Trip



Reward Trip


Chessington July2025

Sparsholt Careers


June 2025

Year 9





Spring 2025 

Gunwharf trip


Dec 2024

Reward Trip


In-house July2025

Reward Trip


Thorpe Park2025

Year 10/11








Easter 2025

Gunwharf Reward



Reward Trip


Thorpe Park

DT Trip



New York


Spring 2026

Portchester Castle GCSE History


June 2025

Swanage GCSE Geography


June 2025

Drama Trips-GCSE English and Drama


Assorted dates

Calshot GCSE PE Trip


January 2025

Bath Uni - PE/BTEC



College Taster days


June 2025 

Tate Modern GCSE Art


March 2025 

Year 11





July 2025 

Tate Modern


March 2025 

Fright Night Reward






All Years



PGL Netball



Football tours


Depending on numbers

Ski Trip


Depending on numbers


Should you have any questions about trips please get in contact with our trips office or our trips

co-ordinator at:  Anne.Lee@jhanson.hants.sch.uk



 Attendance and Behaviour Criteria – For Trips

•Behaviour – 10 or more points

•Suspension = 10 points

•Late School = 4 points •Isolation = 2 points

•DIR = 1 point


•Any student whose attendance is a concern (below 90%) has subsequently been referred to the local authority Legal Intervention Team (LIT)

•Below 90% attendance (received a letter and meeting offered) and no improved or declining attendance after 4 weeks


The above criteria are valid for a 12 month rolling period