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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Sexual Harassment

Following the Everyone’s Invited Movement John Hanson Community School is committed to being open and honest in educating, supporting, signposting and empowering our young people.

 We believe it is really important that students understand sexual harassment and its seriousness.  Harassment, victimisation and bullying is unwanted behaviour which a person finds offensive, or which makes them feel intimidated or humiliated.   Our students know that it can happen on its own or alongside other forms of discrimination, and that unwanted behaviour could be:

  • spoken or written words or abuse
  • offensive emails, or comments on social networking sites
  • images and graffiti
  • deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching
  • physical gestures
  • Jokes/banter

Also, that peer on peer sexual harassment can be split into 3 sections

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Violence
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Through tutor time, assemblies and PSHE days we ensure students understand the implications and safety aspects of each of these, and offer them support if they are victims themselves.


