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John Hanson Community

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Literacy: Reading and Oracy 

 OFSTED 2024: “The school’s very strong reading strategy encourages pupils’ enthusiasm for books. Pupils access a range of texts in lessons and for pleasure. The school has also established a highly effective programme for pupils who need help with reading, so they can catch up rapidly. This is based on precise identification of any gaps and then targeted support.”


Reading and Oracy strategy


The aim of Literacy at JHCS is to:

  • Empower all our students to read and write confidently;
  • Raise expectations and treat all our students as individuals;
  • Promote equality and challenge stereotypes;
  • Support students to make progress through their reading;
  • Develop and design curriculum provision that allows practise at reading, writing and talk;
  • Provide opportunities for students to read throughout the school.


 We will do this through:

  • Tutor time: in every year group we follow a weekly program of Reading activities where students practice their reading comprehension, and raise both their level of reading as well as their reading speed, through engaging with topical articles, short stories and both fiction and non-fiction books. We have consciously selected a variety of new class readers for tutor time.  The section now includes topical subjects such as: LGBT+, mental health and racism. (Examples shown below). 


  • Regular literacy updates on our Instagram page and book reviews in our newsletter and in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC)


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Every year we: 

  • Celebrate World Book Day and other national literacy events. 
  • Enter Reading and Writing competitions