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John Hanson Community

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Learning Resource Centre

The Learning Resource Centre is a vibrant and welcoming space for all students.

The John Hanson School Learning Resource Centre is open from 8:30am until 4pm giving students lots of opportunity to engage with their reading and homelearning.

The LRC has a wealth of fiction and non-fiction books and magazines alongside 40 networked PCs and 80 laptops. Students are also able to purchase essential stationery and our LRC Manager is always there to support with any questions about using the available resources.

In addition to the daily Homelearning club after school (3:05pm – 4pm), the LRC is also buzzing with students of all ages at social times where they are welcome to come in and use the resources. Located within the LRC is the calm of the John Hanson Reading Room; a quiet space, free of distractions, for students to quietly enjoy reading a book of their choice and in comfort.

Throughout the academic year, the LRC promotes reading through the celebration of literary events, competitions and other engaging activities. Student views are always appreciated and all are encouraged to make suggestions about books and resources they would like to see stocked. Students can use the Suggestions box in the LRC or the online form LRC Suggestions & Requests to tell us what they would like to read or to recommend to others.

We also run regular “Book Giveaways” where students can select and keep titles from the generous donations made to the school.

More information about using the LRC can be found in the Student Guide   With over 5000 resources, catering for all interests and reading abilities, we really do have something for everyone!