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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Young Carers


Proud to be a Young Carer at John Hanson


At John Hanson, we recognise the role that Young Carers play in supporting their families, often caring for a parent or other family member with a physical or mental need. The Carers Trust defines a Young Carer as “someone aged 25 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.”

Our aim at John Hanson is to provide the support our Young Carers need throughout the school allowing them the capacity to achieve and enjoy school, supporting them with the potential impacts that this may have on their attainment and wellbeing. We want to help students achieve a healthy balance between home and school life, the extra pressures they encounter and help them to participate in every opportunity afforded to them.

We aim to raise the awareness of the incredible and amazing Young Carers who attend John Hanson to show how proud we are of each and every one of them.

As many as one in 12 pupils in the UK could be a Young Carer.  The pandemic brought an even greater challenge and a role that may already have felt isolating may have become even more so.

We are currently working towards a Bronze Award with the Carers Trust and the Children’s Society for the recognition of the role that Young Carers play at John Hanson.

We regularly do year group assemblies and PSHE days on Young Carers and we will be training staff on INSET days.

We focus on the positives of being a Young Carer and the transferable skills that such a role can bring.

Every Monday, we run a Young Carers drop-in held in the Main Meeting Room with Miss Coster – Wellbeing Support Officer, Mrs Cartwright – Learning Support, Flexible Learning Provision and Nik from Andover Young Carers where we offer a range of fun activities, games and crafts as well as the opportunity to talk to others in the same position who understand their role. It also gives us an opportunity to celebrate everything they do.



If your child is a Young Carer please contact the school’s Young Carer Staff Operational Leads: Miss Coster – Student Wellbeing Officer or Mrs Cartwright – Learning Support, Flexible Learning Provision to find out more about how we can support your child.

elissa.coster@jhanson.hants.sch.uk and rosalyn.cartwright@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


Useful links:

Andover Young Carers

Hampshire Young Carers Alliance

The Carers Trust

The Children’s Society

NHS Young Carers