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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed


The school is committed to supporting students’ well-being and their mental and emotional health is at the forefront of what we offer.  

We run an exam stress year 11 group that is structured around mental health research, mainly ‘Chatter’ by Ethan Kross, and is based on the need to teach exam revision and timetabling techniques as well as coping mechanisms to encourage resilience and confidence.

We also offer regular well-being slots with a local Reiki practitioner, and ex-JHCS parent, Hayley Butt of the REAL therapy room.  She can be contacted directly on: Hayley.butt@sky.com .

Please see our Well-being A-Z information for extra information about all of the WB support we have on offer. Find details of our well-being and workload document

We have two Mental Health Leads in school: Mrs Hide and Mrs Hall, as well as ten staff trained as Mental Health First Aiders with MHFA England and student peer ambassadors trained by MHST.

Mental Health Leads




A useful website for parents of teenagers: https://www.hampshirehealthyfamilies.org.uk/teenagers