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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

School Day

Start of school 0835
Tutor period/Assembly 0835 - 0855
Lesson 1 0855 - 0955
Transition time 0955 - 1000
Lesson 2 1000 - 1100
Morning break 1100 - 1125
Lesson 3 1125 - 1225
Transition time 1225 - 1230
Lesson 4  1230 - 1330
Lunch break 1330 - 1405

Lesson 5

1405 - 1505

The total time for a  typical school week is 32 hours and 30 minutes


After school activities from: 1515 - 1615

Homework club: 1505 - 1605 in the LRC.