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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

PP Funding

Pupil Premium - latest information:


Teaching Support

(use of Sub Pool/SCITT)

IT Support

1-to-1 Tutoring

Aim Higher

(Peer Tutoring +Homework)


EEF Individualised Instruction +4

EEF Small Group Tuition +4

EEF Digital Technology +4

EEF Homework (Secondary) +5

EEF 1-1 Tutoring +5

EEF Small Group Tuition +4

EEF Homework Secondary +5

EEF Peer Tutoring +5

EEF Extended School Day +2

EEF Collaborative Learning +5


Use of Sub Pool to:

·       Provide 1:1 support to named student (EBACC)

·       Provide upto 1:3 support if subject specialist

Use of SCITT Term 1

·       Provision of 5 hours per week to support 1:1 or small groups in specialist area/core

Exploit the Government funding for provision of IT support to disadvantaged students


The provision of IT to support home learning

The use of primarily My Tutor to provide tutoring of specific learning gaps to named students

·       Compulsory (opt out) extension of school day from 3-4 pm

·       Snack provided 3-3:15

·       Manned by 2 x TAs

·       Peer Tutoring (by rota) with Year 9s (Plus Programme)

·       IT provision (minisuite)

·       Encouraged to engage with extra-curricular

Target Audience

All Years (Pri Years 11,9,8)

Key Stage 4 priority Key Stage 3 identified through KS3 RSL

Key Stage 4 priority, Key Stage 3 identified through KS3 RSL

Year 7

Expected Impact

In Year +1.5 impact

(15% improvement in gap)

In year +2 impact

(20% improvement in gap)

In year +2 impact

(20% improvement in gap)

In year +3 Impact

(30% improvement in gap)


MAL (supported by JVN) to Co-ordinate Plan

Will add significant load onto IT support for purchase / maintenance


MAL (supported by JVN) to Co-ordinate Plan

Will require oversight from teaching staff/middle leader/SLT & support staff to co-ordinate/provide admin support

·       SLT (MAL) Oversight

·       2 x support staff 4 evenings a week

·       IT (minisuite)

·       Classroom (M2)

·       Afternoon Snacks

·       10-20 Year 9 mentors


Nominally Nil (use of 50 hrs per fortnight @£125K per annum, £20,000 per term) + nominal cost of SCITT Term 1 (35 hours)

£400 per labtop (162 DS)

52 Computers, 26 dongles

Year 11 – (29 allocated)-

Year 10 – (21 allocated)£12,600 Year 9  - (2 allocated 29 required £11600 (£5200 non-engagers)

Year 8 (37 required) £14800 (10,000 non engagers)

Year 7 (36 required) £14,000)

All Years £40,000

75% paid by government

100 hours £2000

Based on 5 hours a week for a 7 week term (core plus EBAC)

Year 10 - £26000 (£13,300 - non)

Year 9 – £20,600 (£8,600 – non))

Based on 3 hours a week for a 7 week term (core)

Year 8 - £14000 (£9,600-non)

Year 7 - £14,400 (£10,400-non)

·       Support staff £15-18 per hr

·       Snacks £60 per week

·       Total for 4 days per week in 7 week term £1,260

·       Annual Cost £7,560

(minibus extra of £560 per term £20 per hour)