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John Hanson Community

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Contact Head of Faculty: paul.brown@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


Key Stage 3 We offer a broad range of experiences from our initial diagnostic through to thought provoking contemporary based work in year 9. All work is undertaken in our well-equipped art studios allowing us to work in a variety of scales, and for students to produce fired and glazed ware. We have recently introduced a suite of IPads to allow art and photography students to experience up to date software for industry standard Adobe Photoshop to Procreate.

Students undertake drawing, painting, printing, ceramic and mixed media work in a series of termly based assignments with two hours allocated per fortnight. Topics covered include landscape and portraiture, visual illusions, photographic joiners, packaging, water, illustration, pattern, and contemporary painting amongst other things.

We work on to a variety of scales, both individually and in groups, with a series of investigations based in the sketchbook building to a final outcome. Several pieces of home learning are set throughout a topic, ranging from drawing or research tasks to extended projects. Typically, students should spend between forty five minutes and an hour on this. Students are required to purchase an A4 hard back sketchbook. This will follow them for the duration of key stage three, and they will be able to take it home at the end of year 9.

Students can develop work in art clubs after school from Tuesday to Friday.

Key Stage 4 AQA Art and Design in Years 10 and 11. Candidates for the GCSE examination continue to build on their lower school experience. Naturally, they are required to explore media, techniques and processes in much greater depth. Contextual Studies – the study of artists, designers and related crafts is an important part of the course and follows on from Key Stage 3. Gallery and museum visits support the work, as does access to the internet and our extensive art library. We are extremely proud of the quality of our sketchbooks, and we continue to develop an extensive resource bank of these to support the learning of all students. Students will undertake a series of extended investigations around themes such as growth and decay and identity. In year 11 they will specialize in their own chosen media for the PPE. A final externally set assignment offers them a choice of seven starting points with a studio based 10-hour exam following an extensive preparatory period of exploration and ideas.

Home Learning: In Years 10 and 11 homework is set on a weekly basis and should take a minimum of one and a half hours. All homework is recorded on Show My Homework.

Sketchbooks (Work Journal)

Students are given the opportunity to purchase high quality portfolios and sketchbooks. The journal is generated here, but often breaks out to large scale display boards. The journal represents a selection of the best work across the duration of the course, allowing the candidate to demonstrate how they have developed their skills and ideas.


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