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 Contact Head of Subject: Thomas Myatt     thomas.myatt@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


What will my child learn in Geography?

Through being active; in Geography students will use group work, role plays, practical demonstrations to learn key concepts and ideas.

Through a wide range of resources; DVD’s, ICT, fieldwork, games, role plays, research.

Through thinking; students will be encouraged to solve problems and think for themselves, forming their own opinions on key issues.


Year 7

Topic 1 - World Geography and Map Skills 

Topic 2 – Natural Resources 

Topic 3 – Economy

Topic 4 – Rivers

Topic 5 – Development


Year 8

Topic 1 - Population 

Topic 2 – Tectonics 

Topic 3 – Asia

Topic 4 – Africa 

Topic 5 – Global Challenges


Year 9

Topic 1– Coastal Zone

Topic 2 – Russia

Topic 3 – Weather and climate 

Topic 4 – Middle East 

Topic 5 - Ecosystems and Tropical Rainforests


How is Geography assessed?

Students will be assessed at the end of each topic area or half term period. Assessments are cumulative and assess students’ knowledge of the entire year in each assessment.


What resources will support my child’s learning?

KS3 Geography All-in-One Revision and Practice - 000756287X

KS3 Geography Complete Study & Practice - 1841463922



What will my child learn in Geography?

In Geography we study a variety of topics, with such diversity within the subject, there is something that every student will engage with. Some of the most important issues that are facing humans are studied at GCSE Geography, such as Global Warming, Migration and the changing Political landscape.

With each issue students will investigate different viewpoints and how it affects people and the environment, looking at, if possible the correct solution. In Geography we look at problems at local, national and global scales. All the time trying to understand how it affects our lives.


How is Geography taught?

Through being active; in Geography students will use group work, role plays, practical demonstrations to learn key concepts and ideas.

Through a wide range of resources; DVD’s, ICT, fieldwork, games, role plays, research.

Through thinking; students will be encouraged to solve problems and think for themselves, forming their own opinions on key issues.


What examination board does Geography follow?

AQA GCSE Geography https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/geography/gcse/geography-8035


How is GCSE assessed?

Paper 1 – Living in the Physical World

Living in the physical world is a written paper answering questions based on graphs, pictures and diagrams that relate to Physical Geography we have studied. Students will also to answer long answer questions based on case studies and examples that we have studied in lessons.


Students sit a 1hr 30min exam, made up of 3 sections.

The total marks for this paper are 88.

Your assessment:

  • Section A Natural Hazards: answer all questions (33 marks)
  • Section B The Living world: answer all questions (25 marks)
  • Section C UK Physical Landscapes: answer any two questions from questions 3, 4 and 5 (30 marks)


Paper 2 – Challenges in the Human Environment

Challenges in the Human Environment is a written paper answering questions based on graphs, pictures and diagrams that relate to Human Geography we have studied. Students will also to answer long answer questions based on case studies and examples that we have studied in lessons.


Students sit a 1hr 30min exam, with 3 sections.

The total marks for this paper are 88.

Your assessment:

  • Section A Urban Issues and Challenges: answer all questions (33 marks)
  • Section B The Changing Economic World: answer all questions (30 marks)
  • Section C The Challenge of Resource Management: answer question 3 and one from questions 4, 5 or 6 (25 marks)


Paper 3 – Geographical Applications

People and Environmental Issues is a written paper based on a resource booklet about a range of environmental issues studied. We study the issues in lessons, and then in the exam students answer questions on the information. Coming to a decision on what is


Students sit a 1hr 15min exam, with questions based on a pre-release booklet 12 weeks before the exam.

The total marks for this paper are 76.

Your assessment:

  • Section A Issue Evaluation: answer all questions (37 marks)
  • Section B Fieldwork Evaluation: answer all questions (39 marks)


What resources will support my child’s learning? Write here what textbooks can be purchased to support learning or what websites can be accessed to support learning


Geography Textbook – Oxford Press

The Geography textbook covers all topic areas required for the entire GCSE.

GCSE Geography AQA Student Book Paperback – by Simon Ross & Nick Rowles 

ISBN: 0198366612

Geography Revision Guide – CGP

New Grade 9-1 GCSE Geography AQA - Revision Guide

Revision Guide ISBN: 1782946101

Practice exam questions workbook ISBN:  178294611X


Grade 9-1 GCSE Geography AQA Revision Question Cards

Revise AQA GCSE Geography Revision Cards.

ISBN: 1789082781


Extended Reading titles:

Extra reading in Geography can push your knowledge to the next level. Below are  a few great books that we would recommend you reading to stretch your current understanding and perceptions.

Prisioners of Geography – Tim Marshall

Divided – Tim Markshall

Factfulness – Hans Rosling

Geography – Dan Dorling

The world without us – Alan Weisman

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