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Contact Head of Faculty: darlynton.odum@jhanson.hants.sch.uk

Contact Second in Faculty: tom.brady@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


Curriculum Statement/Overview

The aim for John Hanson Community School Mathematics curriculum is to provide a comprehensive, challenging and differentiated curriculum that is accessible to all students. The curriculum cumulatively builds on skills in problem solving, fluency, reasoning, creative thinking and developing confidence in learning.

We strive to provide a wide ranging and engaging curriculum that builds on Key Stage 2 learning, supports KS3 journey and prepares students for Key Stage 4 and beyond, achieved through a mastery approach. The maths curriculum follows a logical progression, careful planning and sequencing of taught topics based on prior and pre-requisite knowledge. ‘I do’, ‘We do’, ‘You do,’ John Hanson Principle of Instructions structure, mastery teaching (depth and not breadth), cumulative learning and assessment is at the core of our teaching strategy leading to closing gaps in knowledge. To support the teaching of Mathematics within the faculty, Age-Related Expectations inform the planning and delivery of every lesson. Each maths lesson is always part of a sequence of lessons or learning experiences which will build mathematical understanding through cognitive scaffolding, problem-solving capacity, improve fluency and develop mathematical reasoning skills. The mathematics scheme of work is cumulative based, providing challenge and support for all student. The scheme of work builds on key skills where topics are revisited and retaught to strengthen and extend students’ skills through practise and repetition, whilst developing student’s confidence in problem solving scenarios.

To assess students in maths, we conduct weekly low stake high tariff questions designed to test recent knowledge, as well as support knowledge retention. Feedback is focused to offer support and challenge; this is combined with students’ action and responses. Students are also assessed with termly cumulative in class tests, designed to check progress over time. Any weakness can then be worked on in lessons and also by using “MathsWatch” a website that we use for home learning, flipped learning and revision purposes. We use Spaced Retrieval to time and support reteach weeks, where we use different approaches to address misconceptions. There is a curriculum map that is supported by Data Driven Instruction (DDI) schedule that all teachers follow to plan and deliver lessons and data collected, is subsequently used to inform future planning. Regular Question Level Analysis data is used to identify underperforming students and timely intervention put in place to support them. All teaching standards are closely monitored through lesson drop- ins, book sampling and student voice interviews. This ensures that all aspects of the John Hanson principle of instruction and habits for learning are being followed.


Years 7 and 8

During the summer term prior to Year 7 arriving at John Hanson, maths staff receive information and results from Primary Feeder Schools. With this information, the new students are put into groups for their lessons to ensure they receive an appropriate level of challenge and pace to ensure they progress to their maximum potential. They then all follow broadly the same curriculum for the next 2 years. They study a programme that covers all 6 areas of Mathematics as identified in the National Curriculum – Number; Algebra; Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change; Geometry and Measures; Probability and Statistics. There are 8 lessons in year 7 and 8 taught over a fortnight. We offer SEND Provision to support access for all, including SEND schemes of work for year 7 to support with their transition from Key Stage 2. High attaining students have the opportunity to take part in enrichment math’s challenge activities which enables students to make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Students are expected to come to each lesson with a full set of equipment: pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, compass and calculator.


Year 9-11

From Years 9 to 11 students start to follow a pathway to prepare them for their GCSE examinations using the Edexcel specification, which is a linear syllabus that is assessed at the end of Year 11. There are eight lessons a fortnight. They still follow all 6 areas of mathematics however, students are split into 2 tiers following the GCSE examinations to ensure appropriate level of challenge for all students. There is a much greater focus on problem solving and proof. We offer Further Mathematics and Statistics as part of our options provision. The final examinations are currently 3 papers, a non-calculator paper and 2-calculator papers.  Students are assessed at regular intervals and are exposed to exam questions from an early stage in order to aid their preparation for the final exams. There is also a focus on the quality of written communication which means that answers need to be clearly set out showing good quality calculations and mathematical technique.



In years 7 and 8 homelearning is set using Mathswatch.  Students are expected to complete one homelearning task each week.  Each student is given their own login and password for Mathswatch and work is completed online. Homelearning should last approximately 30-40 minutes.

In Year 9 and 10, homelearning is set via Mathswatch but the expected completion time is 45 minutes. Again, work is submitted on-line.

Year 11 homelearning mirrors Year 9 and 10 structure but will also include regular exam practice papers.  Students are given half a GCSE exam paper to complete at home. This is in addition to any independent work and Mathswatch work that may be set. Homelearning is expected to take 1 hour in Year 11 helping prepare students for their final exams.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We enter students for the Junior (year 7 and 8) and Intermediate (year 9 to 11) Mathematics Challenge (www.UKMT.org.uk) each year. In the last few years, a small number of students have qualified for the follow up rounds on the Intermediate Challenge. In year 10 students have the opportunity to study statistics and further maths in year 11 which prepares them for A Level Mathematics and beyond.




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