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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed



Contact: Teoni.Randall@jhanson.hants.sch.uk



During these lessons there are lots of opportunities to learn various dances, these can be over a range of styles be it, modern/jazz, contemporary, musical theatre or street etc. Dances will be broken down, levelled up (depending on how advanced a student is) and time is spent on learning how to hold positions, footwork and timing. The students will also get the chance to choreograph using various techniques. Starting with the basics of Action, Space, Dynamics and then introducing things such as props, stimuli (such as a picture or poem) or music as inspiration. This is a great way of building confidence, working on teamwork within classes, being creative and learning a new skill.


We offer a BTEC Tech Award in Dance here at John Hanson. The course is broken down in to 3 components – Explore, Develop and Perform. Throughout the course the students have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of dance styles, companies, choreographers as well as learning choreographic devises, techniques and how to evaluate theirs and other’s work. In Year 11 they will create a final piece which brings all of this knowledge together. The students are encouraged to join our Dance after school clubs and other clubs outside of school (where possible) to help with their technique. There will be many opportunities to perform.


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