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John Hanson Community

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Start of Term 

Timings of the school Day

A reminder that the school day will be starting 5 minutes earlier (8.35am) and finishing 5 minutes later (3.05pm). Students should arrive at school no later than 8.30am so they are ready to transition to their tutor rooms at 8.35am.


With the fact that our seasons seem to be changing and it is often still warm when we return in September, a school jumper will remain an optional item of uniform during term 1 (until October half-term).

Therefore, from the beginning of this academic year there will be a summer (terms 5, 6 & 1) and winter (terms 2-4) uniform expectation.

Summer: School jumper is optional (no other piece of clothing to be worn as a substitute)

Winter: School jumper is compulsory

The school blazer is a compulsory item of uniform at all times


Mobile Phones - From September John Hanson will become a Phone Free Zone

When students return they will be issued with their phone pouch which they will use to lock their phone away during the school day. They will be issued with a pouch on their first day of term. It is there responsibility to bring the pouch to school with them every day. They will place their phone in the pouch and lock it during registration – this will be checked by their tutor. They will unlock it at the end of the day via the unlock stations situated just outside the front and back gates to the school.

Centralised Detention

From the start of this academic year the school will be moving to a simplified Centralised Detention system. What this means in practice is that any student who behaves inappropriately or does not meet school expectations (e.g. completing homework by the specified deadline, being on time for school etc.) will be placed in a centralised detention on the next school day rather than with a specific member of staff or the detention being some point in the future. All detentions will take place after school. A sticker will be placed in the students planner to notify you of the detention, its length (30 minutes or 1 hour) and reason  it has been issued. It is the responsibility of your child to inform you that they have the detention. If a student is absent due to illness, they will sit the detention on the first day that they return.

Trips and Visits

The opportunity to attend trips and visits form an integral part of the educational experience for students during their 5 years at John Hanson. However, the need for excellent behaviour for learning at school and good attendance to school remain the key measures when the school makes decisions at to the merits of students taking part in any activities that take place away from the school site. To make sure this decision process is clear and equitable for all students a points system is being introduced. Any student who accumulates 10 points in a 12 month rolling period will not be offered the opportunity to attend school trips and visits in the following 12 months. Any student who has already signed up for a trip and then acclimates 10 points in the next 12 months, or the time between sign up and the trip if this period of time is shorter, will be removed from the trip.

The points system will work as follows:

  • Suspension – 10 points
  • Late school – 4 points
  • Isolation – 2 points
  • DiR – 1 point
  • Any student with attendance below 90%, and no improvement with 4 weeks once parents have been contacted, will not be eligible for trips/visits and will be removed from any trips/visits already signed up for
  • Any student whose attendance is a concern and has subsequently been referred to the local authority Legal Intervention Team will not be eligible for trips/visits and will be removed from any trips/visits already signed up for

This information will also be included in all future trip and visit letters.