John Hanson is launching its own John Hanson Alumni Association in the New Year and would like to welcome all former students and staff to join. If you are interested or want more information of how you can help then please contact Careers Lead Anna Hall.
All of our careers activities are evaluated by students completing a pre and post event evaluation form. This allows us to measure and track the impact our careers programme is having for our students.
Careers Advice - Every Year 10 and 11 student has an individual 1:1 Careers Interview with Michelle Seaman, our new Independent Professional Careers Advisor. Each student will receive a Careers Action Plan, which they have discussed and agreed in the meeting. Michelle can also support students in the application process. She can also support students, and your parents, in completing application forms, writing CVs and completing personal statements. Please contact her directly if you have any questions about post 16 options on
Guidance for Students - From home, you can also support your future choices by exploring websites on careers and the labour market. Below is a link to resources that will help you.
Guidance for Students - useful links
Information on Apprenticeships - please click here